We will select qualified oral presentations from submitted abstracts after review. More qualified speakers will be announced soon after confirmation. To submit your abstract, please click here.
Dr. Pukánszky Béla
Research Interests: Interfacial phenomena in heterogeneous polymer systems; Natural and biodegradable polymers; Medical application of polymers, catheters, scaffolds; Degradation and stabilization of polymers; natural antioxidants; Morphology of crystalline polymers, melting, crystallization, nucleation. Current H-index: 56
Presentation Title: Halloysite support for an enzyme and its use for the controlled enzymatic degradation of PCL
Laboratory of Plastics and Rubber Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry and Material Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Presentation Title: Halloysite support for an enzyme and its use for the controlled enzymatic degradation of PCL

State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, China
Research Interests: Nanotechnology; Biosensors; Biomaterials; Controlled drug delivery; Biochips; Microarrays; Biomedical devices
Presentation Title: Selection of specific DNA aptamers for molecular classification of breast cancer subtypes

Department of Fiber Science and Technology, University of Fukui, Japan
Research Interests: Development of novel catalytic materials; Isolation of useful microorganisms; Development of novel biosensing system; Research for control of cell behaviors on nano-materials
Presentation Title: Biodevice for biofuel cells combined with carbon nanomaterial and carbon binding peptide fused enzyme
Presentation Title: Involvement of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in the control of miRNAs and their targets in wheat
Dr. Naseem A. Gaur

Dr. Gábor Kocsy
Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Agricultural Institute of the Centre for Agricultural Research of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Research Interests: the study of the redox control of development and stress response in plants by physiological, biochemical and molecular biological methods. He has the following scientific parameters: cumulative IF – 96.5, independent citations – 1192, H-index – 21.Presentation Title: Involvement of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in the control of miRNAs and their targets in wheat

Yeast Biofuel Group, International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, India
Research Interests: Focuses on the development of novel strains for second generation biofuels production, with special emphasis on yeast, Surface display of enzymes and consolidated bioprocessing. Monocomponent cellulase production and development of novel cocktails for deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass. He also maintains a strong interest in the field of multidrug resistance in human fungal pathogens.
Presentation Title: Metabolic engineering of S. cerevisiae natural isolate for C5/C6 co-fermentation

Prof. Dr. Anna Kurzyńska-Kokorniak
Department of Ribonucleoprotein Biochemistry, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Research Interests: Molecular Biology, Systems Biology
Presentation Title: Unknown areas of activity of human ribonuclease Dicer: the annealing activity
Research Interests: Molecular Biology, Systems Biology
Presentation Title: Unknown areas of activity of human ribonuclease Dicer: the annealing activity

Dr. Vincent THERY
Department of Chemistry, University Clermont Auvergne & Institut de Chimie de Clermont Ferrand (ICCF), France
Research Interests:molecular modeling studies, on chemical and biological systems by QM/MM method and molecular dynamics. The research themes are focused on medicinal chemistry, chemical and biochemical reaction mechanism
Presentation Title: New Thiamine diphosphate activation model and therefore new paradigm on ThDP structural function
Presentation Title: New Thiamine diphosphate activation model and therefore new paradigm on ThDP structural function

Dr. Assad Ahmed Al-Thukair
Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
Research Interests: cyanobacteria, environmental chemistry, marine pollution, marine environment
Presentation Title: Naphthalene and Pyrene degradation by novel bacterial strains isolated from an oil-polluted site in the Arabian Gulf

Dr. László Abrankó
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Food Science, Szent István University, Hungary
Research Interests: Producers of polyphenols in food, testing their biological activity and developing analytical methods; Instrumental food analysis; Mass spectrometry
Presentation Title: Method for monitoring Zn incorporation in fortified yeast products

Dr. Jan Cerveny
Global Change Research Institute CAS, Domain of Adaptive and Innovative Techniques, Center for Systems Biology, Czech Republic
Research Interests: experimental biology, systems biology; biological rhythms; microalgal biotechnology; development of bio-applications; optimization of bio-production; microalgae selection/breeding; mathematical modeling
Presentation Title: Systems biology approaches for advancing biotechnology of microalgae
Presentation Title: Systems biology approaches for advancing biotechnology of microalgae
Previous Speakers
Speakers from ICBB2017 Offenburg Germany
Speakers from ICBB&ICAFS2017 Lahore Pakistan
Speakers from ICBB2016 Bangkok Thailand
Speakers from ICBB&ICAFS2017 Lahore Pakistan
Speakers from ICBB2016 Bangkok Thailand
Oral and Poster Presentations
The conference program has been released, please check the detailed schedule about oral and poster presentations.
*For presenters, please follow the Important Information for Presentation (PDF) to prepare your oral / poster presentation.
*For presenters, please follow the Important Information for Presentation (PDF) to prepare your oral / poster presentation.