About ICBB2019 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering ICBB

2019 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (9th ICBB 2019)

9th ICBB, September 25-28, 2019 Poznan, Poland


General Information

    Welcome to the 2019 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (9th ICBB) to be held in Poznan, Poland during September 25-28, 2019.
    ICBB2019 is co-organized by Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, and Chinese Journal of Biologicals, in collaboration with multiple academic affiliations.
Aims and Scope
    The conference aims to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of BIOTECHNOLOGY and BIOENGINEERING. Including but not limited to: biology science, agriculture science, food science, environmental and ecology science, etc.
Important Dates
    Arrival & Check in: Sep. 25, 2019; Full Conference Days: Sep. 26-27, 2019; Academic Visit after conference (Optional): Sep. 28, 2019.
     The full conference days will last for two days from September 26 to 27, 2019. The conference program at a glance can be visited here.
    After peer review, all accepted abstracts will be published in conference abstract book. Extended full papers that related to Agriculture, Biology, Food and Environment Sciences will be selected in conference proceedings; 
    Participants of ICBB 2019 are cordially invited to contribute original research papers or reviews to the Special Issue of Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X, indexed in SCIE - Web of Science, Impact factor: 4.694). 
    The conference will be conducted in English and no simultaneous translation provided.
Why attend
    ICBB is designed to promote interactive discussions at both the talks and poster sessions, and will feature a mix of invited speakers drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. The conference is therefore purposely broad to cover all aspects of biotechnology and bioengineering, a unique combination that is highly appreciated by the participants. Given the excellent line up of speakers and the meeting’s outstanding reputation, this is a ‘must’ attend for anyone interested in cutting edge research in biotechnology and bioengineering.
Previous / Archives
    Previously conferences were successfully held in Budapest, Hungary (2018); Offenburg, Germany (2017); Bangkok, Thailand (2016); Singapore (2015); Hong Kong (2014); China Mainland (2013 & 2012); Lahore Pakistan (2017, agriculture aspect). For more details about previous conferences, please visit conference archives.

    Please bring this notice to the attention of any of your colleagues who may be interested in participating in the conference (Click to download conference flyer),  also you can subscribe to ICBB2019 mail list to be informed. We hope that you will have a fruitful experience and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere during your stay in Poznan! Looking forward to seeing you at this significant event.

Organizing Committee of ICBB 2019
Website: https://www.icbb.ibch.poznan.pl/

Themes and Sessions

    The conference aims to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of BIOTECHNOLOGY and BIOENGINEERING, with topics ranging from: biology science, agriculture science, food science, environmental and ecology science, etc. This year the 2019 International Conference on Advances in Biomedicine and Biomedical Engineering (ICABBE 2019) will be held in conjunction with ICBB as topic session of Biomedicine, biopharmaceuticals, pharmacology and toxicology; and Applications in bioengineering, biomedical engineering & technology.
  • 1. Microbiology, virology, cytology and immunology;
  • 2. Biological macromolecules, proteins and nucleic acids;
  • 3. Biomaterials, biopolymers and bioenergy;
  • 4. Biomedicine, biopharmaceuticals, pharmacology and toxicology;
  • 5. Agricultural & food science and industrial biotechnology;
  • 6. Applications in bioengineering, biomedical engineering & technology and other related fields
We are calling for proposal of sessions (more sessions will be released soon), to proposal and organize a session, please contact the conference secretariat at [email protected] / [email protected]