Presentation Types
Oral presentation: Speakers will have 20-25 min (usually 17-20 min for presentation, 3-5 min for questions and answers). Speakers are requested to submit a Power Point presentation, if any, one day before the allotted time.
Poster presentation: Posters will be displayed as a portrait of A0 size - approximately 90 cm x 110 cm. The content on poster should be written in English.
* While authors should indicate their preference for Oral or Poster presentation, the final decision will rest with the Conference Scientific Committee.
Listeners are also welcomed.
Listeners are also welcomed.
Submission Guide
Step 1: Submission (Online or by email)
An abstract should be in MSWord file(refer to abstract template), at most 500 words, including title, authors, affiliations, and acknowledgement if any. When submitting your abstract you can indicate presentation type for oral or poster. Abstracts indicated for oral presentation should submit CV as well.
Step 2: Confirmation & Reviewing process
Once abstract / registration information submitted, a confirmation will be sent via email within 1-3 working days, and the abstract will be arranged for peer-review. If you can not receive a confirmation more than 3 days, please contact: [email protected].
Step 3: Notification of Acceptance
For submitted abstract, the review process will take place 5-15 days after your submission, at which point you will be notified by email whether it was selected for an oral or poster presentation. One registered participant can submit only one abstract, but can be a co-author in the abstract of another registered participant. Once abstract / registration information submitted, a confirmation will be sent via email within 1-3 working days, and the abstract will be arranged for peer-review. If you can not receive a confirmation more than 3 days, please contact: [email protected].
Step 3: Notification of Acceptance
Conference Publications
After peer review, all accepted abstracts will be included in conference abstract book.
Extended full papers will be selected in conference proceedings.
Extended full papers will be selected in conference proceedings.
Participants of ICBB 2019 are cordially invited to contribute original research papers or reviews to the Special Issue of Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X, indexed in SCIE - Web of Science, Impact factor: 4.694). .
Submission Methods
- Submit online - Online Submission/Registration is open.
- Send by email - Please send by email to [email protected] / [email protected]
- Send by email - Please send by email to [email protected] / [email protected]
Important Dates
Early-bird registration: by June 30, 2019.
Abstract Submission: Oral presentations exceeded expectations. Any new abstract received hereafter will only be considered as poster.
Acceptance Notification: normally about 2-3 working days after submission confirmation.
Themes & Topics
1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Natural Products Biosynthesis
2. Molecular Biology & Neurobiology
3. High Content Screening (in Chemical Biology) / High-Throughput Screening
4. Ribonucleoproteins in Biotechnology & Bioengineering
5. Advances in Plant Biotechnology
6. 3D Cultures & Organoids
7. Materials & Biomaterials, Nanobiotechnology & Nanobiomaterials
8. Bioinformatics & Biocomputing
9. Nucleic acid - protein interactions.
10. Application of biotechnology in medicine, agriculture and industry. More details please visit topics & themes
Reviewing & Publishing Policies
1. Editorial Policy:
For abstracts only to be presented at the conference without formal publication, the submitted abstract can be a representative completed (published) or ongoing (unpublished) research.
For full papers to be considered for publishing in conference proceedings or journal, authors should commit that the submission to the conference is completely original and has not been previously published, nor is it before another conference for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Director). If redundant or duplicate publication or plagiarism is attempted or occurs authors should expect immediate editorial action to be taken including prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript.
By submitting a manuscript to the conference proceedings, authors agree to comply with the above guidelines and ensure that their work adheres to the highest ethical standards in academic publishing.
2. Copyright:
Authors retain the copyright of their work and agree to grant the conference proceedings a license to publish their work. Copyright License Agreement provided by publisher will be signed when the paper is accepted. The conference proceedings reserve the right to make necessary modifications to the manuscript, such as correcting grammatical errors, improving the clarity of the text, or formatting the manuscript to match our publication standards.
3. Peer-Review:
All submitted abstracts and full papers will be sent for peer review by scientific committee and editorial board of conference.
Manuscripts (other than those with insufficient quality or unlikely to be competitive enough that can not pass through initial quality control) are subject to a double-blind peer-review process by two or more experts in the fields. The reviewers evaluate the work based on its originality, scientific merit, methodology, results, and conclusion. A decision will be returned to authors in about 2-3 weeks. If due to special circumstance, the review process takes more time, authors will be informed by email. Possible decisions on a manuscript are: acceptance, revision (minor or major), rejection. Authors should respect the reviewer's comments and respond to them appropriately.
4. Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement:
We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. We select full papers to be considered for publishing in conference proceedings follow the highest ethical standards. We expect all authors, editors, and reviewers to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Publication Ethics
The conference proceedings adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior in publication. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. We also do not accept manuscripts that contain hate speech, defamation, or any other form of unethical behavior.
- Authorship and Originality
Authors must guarantee that their work is original and has not been previously published or under review elsewhere. The work should also not include any plagiarized content or data. All authors must be listed and have made significant contributions to the research.
- Conflict of Interest
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the research or its interpretation. Reviewers must also declare any potential conflict of interest that may affect their impartiality in evaluating the manuscript.
- Publication Malpractice
We take any form of publication malpractice seriously. If we suspect any form of unethical behavior or misconduct, we will investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate actions, including retracting the manuscript, informing relevant authorities, and banning authors from submitting to our conference proceedings in the future.